Esther Beniflah Waxman
Graduada como publicista de la prestigiosa Universidad de Miami, Esther Beniflah Waxman ha alcanzado un éxito meteórico como joven empresaria. Iniciando su carrera temprano, ahora se erige como una de las fuerzas más influyentes en el mundo de las relaciones públicas en los mercados hispano y estadounidense, impulsando el reconocimiento global de figuras públicas hispanas y liderando proyectos para compañías de renombre mundial.
Graduated as a publicist from the prestigious University of Miami, Esther Beniflah Waxman has skyrocketed to success as a young entrepreneur. Starting her career early, she now reigns as one of the most influential PR powerhouses in the Hispanic and U.S. markets, driving global recognition for Hispanic public figures and leading projects for globally renowned companies.
Graduated as a publicist from the prestigious University of Miami, Esther Beniflah Waxman has skyrocketed to success as a young entrepreneur. Starting her career early, she now reigns as one of the most influential PR powerhouses in the Hispanic and U.S. markets, driving global recognition for Hispanic public figures and leading projects for globally renowned companies.